nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️ pfp
nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️
I served in the IDF in the last military ground operation in Gaza and led a squadron in the West Bank. AMA
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Aaina  pfp
why hasn’t a two state solution worked? what’s the single highest leverage thing Israel could do as a state today to solve this for the future?
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nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️ pfp
nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️
Two state solution hasn’t worked for a ton of reasons but main ones might be that West Bank is too strategically/religiously important for Israel to un-occupy w/o guaranteed peace (like we did with Gaza) and Gaza isn’t large enough to be a country (resource-wise).
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