Minh Do pfp
Minh Do
I’m on Farcaster. I’m on Lens. I’m on Bluesky. I’m on Mastodon. I’m on Twitter. So what’s next? Is this back to the days when all the social media were competing for the feed? What is the differentiator that makes one of these social feeds shine over the others?
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8bit pfp
I don't open apps often enough for the feed to matter to me, it honestly depends on which ones notify for posts I care about without spamming me with ones I don't. I try to help it by liking and maybe recasting the things I want to see more of. Still waiting on Bluesky access but don't think I'm missing much yet. :)
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Maybe Im Wasabi〽️ pfp
Maybe Im Wasabi〽️
I don’t think you are either :)
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