🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ pfp
🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ
What we’re seeing play out in the social platforms of old is literally what was cried wolf about in the inception of the crypto movement, that the institutions will fail as they always do, and they will leave us holding the bag in the end as they were all man-in-the-middle attacks from the start. Extractive exploits.
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🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ pfp
🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ
The midwits absolutely refuse to learn the lesson because it means being a more educated and sovereign individual to navigate out of that trap of humanity. The midwits embody the following gif ad nauseam.
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🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ pfp
🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ
Twitter the ultimate slow rug. If you think any of these shiny new recycled toys from the same snake oil salesmen are gonna be the answer, you’re only correct for a season. In the end, enshittification comes for all of the “free” surveillance capitalist offerings. You will never be free of that suffering.
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🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ pfp
🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛋ
If you’re unfamiliar with “enshittification” here’s Cory Doctorow’s article that defined the terminology and laid out the effects: https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/
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Spence pfp
Agreed on both points (framing & crypto take) Really love the analysis of the cycle and the thorough examples used. Is this just an inherent flaw of ad-driven revenue models + capitalism? Is this solved if the revenue model is customer subscription?
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