AHOY!!! My adventurous sealads and lasses i am sure by now you can feel the $SOCIAL excitement bubbling @phaverapp and the whole seven seas over, has you also know the graceful @monniverse council has decided to aid artist by apprciate real creativity and talent with five cred passs. 💯 ⏰ Today is the final day of contest!! while tomorow the grand pass unveiling...🎁 i hope you are not missing out 😴 on this great adventage to bag 💰 a cred pass??? great things are coming for those who are loyal, active and believe don't SNOOOOZE!!! 😉 To the seven seas and beyond maties 🌊🚀
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4acewang | Phaver⚡
Cred Pass NFT Mint Now 🔗
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