Rani pfp



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Rani pfp
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Rani pfp
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Rani pfp
this is embarrassing for the $degen community. tipping mechanism is designed for users to reward and support each other. punishing users for using the system as intended, whether they're tipping each other or others, seems unfair. its subjective. if the system being "gamed" then u fix the system.
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Rani pfp
looking over a long-term horizon of approximately ~ 100 years, some of these NFTs have the potential to become priceless relics, sought after by unique collectors and billionaires. this value increase will be further amplified by the inevitable loss of wallets and private keys due to failed generational inheritance and sudden deaths. *assuming ethereum will continue to chug along for centuries.
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Rani pfp
4484-chan wuvs her Base-kun so much, she'd bwidge to L3 just to come back uwu~ Sowwy, no demand for my siwwy ideas >.< Create a Waifu based off your FC profile with WaifuCast!
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Rani pfp
in beirut, u do not get gas straight to ur home. its delivered. they load up a truck with gas canisters in 95F weather, send it on its way, and hope for the best 🀞 worst case there is a mini tactical nuke situation.
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Rani pfp
84bn wiped from microsoft value.
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Rani pfp
blockchains run on linux 🫑
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Rani pfp
higher miggles. https://wallet.coinbase.com/nft/mint/eip155:8453:erc721:0x15451d2fFBB68446d12C9c7796563026D7bb3402
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Rani pfp
can someone just explain to me how listing works at coinbase? u have base native communities like $degen and $higher, yet they list CORECHAIN and ANCIENT8. genuinely curious how these decisions are made. https://x.com/coinbaseassets/status/1813635893778845696?s=46&t=RmIchLpK3fh44fSQmQGhPQ
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Rani pfp
good vibes today πŸ—žοΈ ~ mr miggles is the cat. riding @base onchain summer video. easy 100m mcap play. ~ i like what @airstack.eth is doing with @moxie-protocol. i wish it extended beyond just farcaster engagement ~ JD Vance is an ENS squatter 🫑 ~ @polymarket launched frames on farcaster. i think frames are kinda overrated in terms of users actually using them. why is polymarket still on polygon anyways? ~ still in shock how there is absolutely nothing to do on @solana beyond trading rugs on pumpfun. they say it’s PMF. ~ follow @joshcrnls for consumer crypto takes. he gets it.
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Rani pfp
if jdvance.eth is really his wallet, he is quite the ENS squatter. he also seems to have some relationship with @bkbollinger. https://www.onceupon.xyz/0x7cca6cb707ccef586a3247ca1a466c03dfa58f92~1001$cmVuZXdBbGwoc3RyaW5nW10sdWludDI1Nik=,cmVnaXN0ZXJXaXRoQ29uZmlnKHN0cmluZyxhZGRyZXNzLHVpbnQyNTYsYnl0ZXMzMixhZGRyZXNzLGFkZHJlc3Mp
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Rani pfp
Minted an ostrich on Safaricaster! Proceeds go to Namib Desert conservation 🫑
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Rani pfp
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Rani pfp
ok first drop goes to followers of /the-glyph. total 100 $RD to claim. link below. will be doing the larger drop later today. testing out the UI. https://create.party.app/base/0xd7ffe0ba4464582706411742899ba467fc833005
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Rani pfp
ok to counter this whiny loser. will be airdropping 500/1000 of my tokens proportionally to all holders of $RD. claim will go live on https://create.party.app/base/0xd7ffe0ba4464582706411742899ba467fc833005 in 3 hours. $RD
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Rani pfp
1000 domeros = 1 $RD
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Rani pfp
1.3 military industrial complex backed USD per $RD. at 5$ i’m starting a new /rwd channel for overcooked ran domero musings. higher
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Rani pfp
aaaaaah 1$ incoming. we need a name for micro RDs soon. a satoshi equivalent. any ideas?
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Rani pfp
ngl but moxie distribution is insanely ambitious and well thought out. might be the trigger for the next leg up for farcaster activity following $degen.
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