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The jailer is going to ask the color of each prisoner’s hat starting from the last prisoner in queue. If a prisoner says the correct color, they are saved. What rule can the prisoners make to guarantee 99 would be saved if they are allowed to discuss a strategy before the jailer starts asking colors of their hats?
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In the first cast it should say “their own hat” was missing the word own.
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If they’re allowed to discuss a strategy then they could do sth like: scream the color if the color you’re mentioning is the same color as the hat in front of you, say it normally if it’s different. Saves 99.5 on avg :)
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They all attempt to overpower the guards and thus a new season of Prison Break begins.
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1st person counts # of red hats, and if is even says red, otherwise black.50% survival of first person, next person counts red hats in front and if is even and prev person said red, says is black, if # red is odd & prev said red, knows is red (says so), opposite if 1st person said black.next person does same from prev
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Erika Echaniz
Everyone tells the prisoner in front of them the color of their hat. Guarantees 99 but good luck to the last prisoner in the queue.
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