Jacek.degen.eth 🎩
Can someone explain this tweet to me? I'm not sure of the message being conveyed. I've always thought Friendtech's idea was powerful and that it jump-started something cool in the social space. It's an honor to be on the radar, regardless of the tweet's meaning.
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donki tinks ft tryna make a point that ft issa not only for rich ppl only and dat money issa huge driver for how to grow yore project. showing degen chart issa way of showing that they’ve been getting hate bc ppl are getting rich off a successful project… dat is why ppl want them to fail bc ft issa perceived threat
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*degen holders may perceive ft as a threat to them so they fud ft. iwo both projects can do well together like how fb and twitter exist
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also… another thought for you if yore open to suggestions… degen could possibly be a bridging currency between the two SoFi platforms
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