Rafael 2r pfp

Rafael 2r


57 Following

Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
https://superrare.com/artwork/eth/0x63a323fe01fa100d53a72083aaee0a044ee1f96c/2?tab=details This is “Opus 2” by @aylaelmoussa 💎 For me this artwork feels like a hourglass: We are always looking at the future, thinking about the past and never living the present… Different textures and moments that we forget how it tastes, smells and feel!! The encounter of the triangles is the raw present.
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
Gn 💎 fam!!! Not minting yet…
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
When you have an idea just go for it… Good or bad doesn’t matter!! Inspired by urban plant beds, which became city’s trash cans.
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
respiratory incapacity Feels like breathing but with no lungs…
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
💎Rare shapes 💎
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
💎 Messing around with blocks 💎
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
“Plant bed” This is what you see in the streets now a days, traped trees among tips and trash…
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
Using Rowena Reed’s method for better understanding of proportion and composition!!! Stay RARE 💎 Keep studying 🔗
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9 reactions

Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
Gm fam!! Form, volume and texture… Have a RARE monday!!! 💎
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
Messy table happy table 🤘🏽
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
Experimenting a new series… (wip) The artificial relation between human and nature is what fed me to take my time and produce my current work, grateful things are coming! 💎
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
Concrete proportions test 🔗
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
💎In love with forgotten elements and dead nature atributes 🔗
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
Understanding how we can translate live visuals to a painting representation keeping the aesthetic feeling is a blast for me! Nem reading influences are mold in my way of thinking, wait for great things around here 💎
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
💎Materials providing a special space in mind 💎
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
✨Glass rods distorting and reflecting the background ✨
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
Support idea for hanging sculpture 💎
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
Blessed day at the studio!!!
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
💎Artificial pact between human and nature 💎
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Rafael 2r pfp
Rafael 2r
Collective collage 💎 One of many created at Casa VOA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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