Ice A pfp

Ice A


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Ice A pfp
Ice A
I am in all the moments of my life!!!!!
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134 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
I love football, but for several days I have a sprained leg and I can't play.πŸ₯²
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331 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
The creator of the lathe, as a mechanical device used for shaping various materials (mainly metals), is generally recognized as Henry Maudslay. Henry Maudslay, a British inventor and engineer, played a crucial role in the development of the precision lathe in the early 19th century.
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347 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
Look carefully: test to see if your eyes are working well or not.😘
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346 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
In this painting, the girl stands with her long, wavy hair cascading gently over her shoulders. She exudes an unmatched grace and a hidden depth in her gaze, embodying a veil of mystery. Draped in a delicate fabric, she seems lost in her own world, portraying an infinite softness and beauty.
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341 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
@1347 nominate me !!
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294 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
Here are some notable points about this design: Optimal Space Utilization: The available space is cleverly divided to maximize its use. The washing machine and dryer are stacked vertically to save room, providing more space for other items.
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268 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
hihi i just claimed free $degen rewards for earning Not A Token from @airstack new season begins today cc @betashop.eth
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265 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
Okinawa, Japan. Ikema Ohashi Bridge connects.
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242 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
New Revenue Split Model: Zora has introduced a new revenue split model where the minting fee for each NFT is 0.000777 ETH for collectors. This fee is then split between the creators and the network to incentivize the release of projects through Zora.
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247 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
You can use these ad copy examples as a starting point and adapt them to fit your specific needs. Remember to use relevant keywords, strong language, and keep your audience in mind to write effective ad copy that will help you sell more embroidered t-shirts. πŸ‘‡
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241 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
If girls owned car factories...
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249 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
Flowers possess a romantic and ethereal language that captivates the heart in indescribable ways. Each holds a unique story of beauty and love, from the moment of their birth to the initiation of their whispers in our hearts.
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226 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
--A book is a portal to the soul. Books can transport us into the inner worlds of others, sharing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with us. They can help us to better understand ourselves and others.
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226 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
This is a powerful graphic that represents a shift in the global monetary landscape. Cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly powerful, and the value of the US dollar is declining. This image serves as a warning sign for the United States and other countries that rely on the US dollar as their main currency.
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218 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
Cockatiels: Beautiful and Intelligent Birds Cockatiels, scientifically named Nymphicus hollandicus, are small, colorful parrots with a white crest that are native to Australia. These birds have become popular pets due to their intelligence, social nature, and ability to mimic sounds.
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80 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
Oh, look! Only 1 week ago I discovered $FOMO by TOCD Studio(@tocd) and now they are listed on Coingecko. Guess where the price of $FOMO token will go? Did you earn $FOMO points for potential airdrop? Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance $FOMO to every wallet. $FOMO to $1
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62 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
Even animals love girls...😜
12 replies
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71 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
What do you think of this picture? Hint: It refers to a Chinese proverb!!
4 replies
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85 reactions

Ice A pfp
Ice A
In the picture, you see someone who created the best character of all eras in the history of cinema, but committed suicide exactly within a year.πŸ’”
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