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Don't do this FYI .. i dmed most of my friends not to tip me and @push- was the first one if you have a problem with me don't talk about me in GC that iam not in.. just come to me and we can talk like adults
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1000Words🪂 📷 🧗‍♂️
oh the translation is wrong my friend... and also, if you hadnt left the group you would have seen the mesage...
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is that a reasone to talk about me in this way in it ?
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1000Words🪂 📷 🧗‍♂️
I just found funny just after defending him on the beef you suddelty post an artwork with his art in it... People could think you are trying hard to be his best friend
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did you know that there was an art challenge in his channel? ofc no just judging me based on very minimal info and agreeing on shit that been said about me in the gc also i didn't defend anyone I said the truth wither you like it or not Jaimi
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1000Words🪂 📷 🧗‍♂️
oh you did defend him, and yes you said YOUR truth of course, I have no doubdt
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