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1-n pfp
The phrase "asymmetric information" is something of an overloaded statement in that the concept has many dimensions & applications, each of which stretch the definition to mean something appreciably different. However, the simplest & most contemporary definition for the concept might be simply "information inequality."
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1-n pfp
In the opinionated contemporary discourse, inequality is thought of as a function of distribution, & thus it is an appropriate descriptor here, because in the context technological trends & market events, credible information is not evenly distributed & individuals encounter tremendous disparity in their access to it.
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1-n pfp
If we think of credible information as the basic resource from which wealth & all manner of positive externalities originate, then we can see that credible information is essential to individual & general prosperity within any group. It follows then that gaining greater access to credible information is paramount.
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1-n pfp
"Greater access" to credible information can be attained in two discrete ways, A) by reducing proximity to sources of credible information & B) by increasing one's ability to evaluate information attained from existing sources for credibility. Optimize for both, & information quality & in turn credibility, is enhanced.
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1-n pfp
With credible information being the raw resource from which positive externalities are drawn, if we increase the quality of our information streams, we directly increase our ability to contribute & extract value from the marketplace. In financial terms we might think of this as alpha or ROI in excess of some benchmark.
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1-n pfp
In informatical terms & in the framework espoused by ASYM, we can think of highly credible information, or information of a quality which exceeds that of some non-arbitrary benchmark, as "asymmetric information."
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1-n pfp
Asymmetric information, like any highly valued resource attains immediate objective value from its value additive properties, which derive largely from it's veracity; apply truth & right-thinking to any relevant domain & yield will be increased.
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1-n pfp
However, returning back to our earlier discussion of distribution, asymmetric information's value additive properties are compounded when that increase in yield not only exceeds some non-arbitrary benchmark, but also exceeds that of competitors.
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1-n pfp
Succinctly then, asymmetric information has two properties: 1) It is true information 2) It is information that is not well distributed In the first property, the concept of objective value is addressed, in the second, the concept of scarcity--which enhances value even further.
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1-n pfp
The objective of ASYM is to provide readers with a reliable stream of utile asymmetric information which they can leverage to enhance their decision making & strategic positioning capabilities in both industry & in their personal/professional development.
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