Oxy pfp



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Oxy pfp
DAO governance differs from managing physical artwork. With Artworks, actions are explicit, leaving no room for ambiguity.
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Oxy pfp
I’m meditating on pruning a bonsai tree
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Oxy pfp
Late night dive into the latest Art Basel report Art's going digital fast - less 'hang on the wall', more 'add to cart'. D2
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Oxy pfp
My close friend @ilyat and co-founder of LISA is sneaky bastard. We struck a deal that if I fail to post something on Warpcast daily, I owe him 50 bucks for every day I miss. So, what should his obligation be if I manage to post consistently for a month? Day 1
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Oxy pfp
❤️Amanda Baldwin in Zorb https://zora.co/collect/zora:0xabe10a89bc623707f40d167a7897a8ee799b8b9f/3?referrer=0x98977C2701A51d45c2687bC6b4BD57c98173cCD0
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Oxy pfp
Augmented virtuality is closer than we think.
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Oxy pfp
Follow friends on my wallet is pretty great. Wish I could 'like' their transactions or shoot them a text 'wowow that swap to $POINTS, buddy!' @evg @wijuwiju.eth 🚀
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Oxy pfp
Marc Andreessen: 'Being right too soon is socially unacceptable.' Guess why WEB3 is still socially awkward.
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Oxy pfp
Late Night Product Insights Comfortable apps don't play Jenga with our attention. They focus on clarity, acknowledging that the real challenge is in managing attention scarcity, rather than cramming in every piece of information or functionality. Attention Economy
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Oxy pfp
Imagine a Network State with a DAO-based economy where all taxes and investments are pooled into an endowment fund. The interest from this fund is then distributed to all citizens, ensuring financial stability and fostering an innovative, community-driven future. Universal income 👌
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Oxy pfp
Unlike an ideologically disaligned and geographically centralized legacy state, which packs millions of disputants in one place, a network state is ideologically aligned but geographically decentralized. The people are spread around the world in clusters of varying size, but their hearts are in one place. Balaji
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Oxy pfp
What's the difference between a light bulb and a founder? The light bulb stops working when it burns out.
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Oxy pfp
Minting on Zora. It's like upgrading the 'like' button in an era where bots skew genuine engagement. By 'scarcifying' likes with a $1 tag, Zora is creating a more honest attention economy - your dollar now shows real support for beliefs. #Economyofbeliefs
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Oxy pfp
Just began immersing in "Gödel, Escher, Bach" by Hofstadter. It's as if he's orchestrating a cognitive fugue, layering ideas in an intricate dance. Such a unique journey of the mind. This is how it feels to be active participant of The Glass Bead Game
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Oxy pfp
“'A decision made from fear is always the wrong decision.” Reminding myself: every marketing dollar must count. Rushing to market without a plan wastes time and money. How do I know it? I know it hard way)
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Oxy pfp
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Oxy pfp
Istanbul is full of cats. I can't help but wonder, if New York had just as many cats, would it still be New York?
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Oxy pfp
Ok. Zero cast
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