Titanium ETH pfp
Titanium ETH
NEO Beta: The Humanoid That's Coming to Your Living Room! Folks, the future just knocked on our front door! 1X Technologies is about to change the game with NEO Beta: * Consumer-focused humanoid robot * Weighs just 25kg (66 lbs) - lighter than the competition * Soft, cushioned exterior for safety * No pinch points - kid and pet friendly! * Piloting in homes THIS YEAR Why This Matters: 1. First real attempt at home humanoids 2. Safety-first design could be a game-changer 3. Potential to revolutionize home assistance While everyone's focused on warehouse bots, 1X is bringing the robot revolution straight to your living room! This isn't sci-fi anymore. It's happening NOW. Don't sleep on this, folks. NEO Beta could be the iPhone moment for home robots. The question is: Are you ready to welcome your new robot helper? #NEOBeta #1XTechnologies #HumanoidRobots #FutureOfHome P.S. No word on price yet, but if it's anywhere near Musk's $20K Optimus promise... start saving up!
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