0xsamurai🐹 pfp



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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
Check your Ham Stats. Frame by @nikolaiii. If you like this frame, send him a tip.
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
🎭 Check your MASKS STATS 🎭 Frame created by @logoslegend
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
HAMSTORY🍖🍖🍖 And so, Marco, the cook with delicious hams, achieved his dream of becoming the best cook in the world. His legacy lived on through his recipes and the countless chefs he inspired along the way. The end. 6/6
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
Benubi's evil mask is often depicted as a symbol of malevolence and power, casting a shadow over the land with its ominous presence.
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
Goodmorning🌞 🍖🍖 HAMSTORY 🍖🍖 Years passed, and Marco returned to his village with a wealth of knowledge and experience. He opened a restaurant that quickly became the most sought-after dining destination in the world. People came not just for the food but for the stories Marco shared about his travels and the passion he poured into every dish. 🍖🍖 5 /6 🍖🍖
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
We're currently in internal testing ... I just won 150 $DEGEN in Gate of Degen! @degengate
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
🍖 HAMSTORY 🍖 Determined to become the best cook in the world, Marco embarked on a journey to learn from these masters of cuisine. He traveled across continents, mastering new techniques and flavors, all while never forgetting the love and care he put into his hams. 4/6
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
Gm fren, Why is my allowence reduced?
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
Goodnight🌚🍖 HamStory As word of Marco's culinary skills spread, he was invited to cook at grand feasts and royal banquets. His hams became the highlight of every event, and soon, Marco's fame reached the ears of the world's most renowned chefs. 3/6
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
Check your Masks stats. Frame by @compez.eth
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
GoodMorning.🌞🍖 HamStory 🍖 Marco's secret was simple: he used only the freshest ingredients and cooked his hams with a special blend of herbs and spices that he had learned from his grandmother. Every ham was cured to perfection, with just the right amount of salt and smoke, making each bite a heavenly experience. 2/6
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
Hamstory🍖 Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, there lived a cook named Marco. Marco was known throughout the village for his delicious hams, which were so flavorful that people would travel from far and wide just to taste them. 1/6
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
In the realm of theatre, acting masks are iconic, veiling the performer's identity to unleash a spectrum of characters. They are the silent narrators of unspoken tales, pivotal in the art of storytelling. /masks
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
Good morning!🍖🌞 As the sun rises, let's share a moment of joy and energy. I invite you to enjoy a delicious ham breakfast, and may it fuel your day with vigor and vitality. Here's to a day filled with positive vibes and hearty meals! 🍖🥓✨
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
Check your Masks stats. Frame by @compez.eth
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
Gham. 🍖🍖🍖 Ham Time! pew pew 🔫😅 Check your Ham Stats. Frame by @nikolaiii. If you like this frame, send him a tip.
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
Check your Ham Stats. Frame by @nikolaiii. If you like this frame, send him a tip.
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
Have a nice weekend Fam. 🍖🍖🍖🌞🌞🌞
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
Do you think people's taste in choosing a mask has an effect on identifying their personality?
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0xsamurai🐹 pfp
Friends, I made a delicious ham for all of you community members, please eat and enjoy.
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