Racer pfp
If we want Farcaster to pop off right now, one of you needs to drop a token that you announce here so we all get to be early (can’t do this myself unfortunately)
10 replies
3 recasts
32 reactions

ciniz   ↑↑ 🔵 🎩 ↑↑ pfp
ciniz ↑↑ 🔵 🎩 ↑↑
2 replies
1 recast
11 reactions

0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
been sayin
0 reply
0 recast
8 reactions

CryptoMiyagi_ pfp
Haha shoot if I can figure out how to make one I’m down 🤣
0 reply
0 recast
2 reactions

MC Faceman  pfp
MC Faceman
0 reply
0 recast
2 reactions

陳江和  pfp
Its still need more adoption though
0 reply
0 recast
1 reaction

Satori pfp
it’s $wowow
0 reply
0 recast
4 reactions

grin↑ pfp
Someone hire this man(?) for your marketing team asap
0 reply
0 recast
2 reactions

Nicky Romero pfp
Nicky Romero
0 reply
0 recast
1 reaction

Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
Say more. What kind of token?
0 reply
0 recast
0 reaction

vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
You mean... $POINTS?
0 reply
0 recast
0 reaction