myan🎩 pfp



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myan🎩 pfp
The final post of the year is about horumon (grilled offal).🥩🔥 I’ve been bar-hopping throughout the holidays.🥃 Thank you to everyone who always gives likes and stakes. Looking forward to your support next year as well!🥰 ホルモンとパイナップルサワーです この調子だと連休明け絶対太る
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myan🎩 pfp
Since it’s the end of the year, I had soba noodles. In Japan, there is a tradition of eating soba at the year’s end. The soba was topped with grated yam and an egg, and it was delicious.😋🫰 年末なのでお蕎麦をたべました とろろ月見蕎麦です🌕
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myan🎩 pfp
I’ve entered the year-end holiday break and have been playing games every day. While it’s a Web2 game, Path of Exile 2 is incredibly fun. Currently, most Web3 games are pretty dull, so I hope they step up their game.🎮🥰 PoE2楽しすぎて仮想通貨やってません🥹
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myan🎩 pfp
This is curry. The naan was fragrant and delicious.🍛😋 ライスとナンどっちにするか迷ったら両方いきます
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myan🎩 pfp
Today’s lunch is stew with a hamburger patty. I also ordered a beer.🍺☺️ ハンバーグ入りシチューです 今日で仕事納めなのでランチビールを頼みました 仕事納めじゃなくても飲んでるんですけどね😁
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myan🎩 pfp
This is gomoku fried rice. It contains roast pork, green onions, eggs, shrimp, and crab.🦐🦀🥚 町中華の五目チャーハンです しいたけとか入ってなくて代わりにエビやカニが乗ってます😊
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myan🎩 pfp
This is a braised pork belly set meal. This restaurant offers a wide variety of menu options, and everything is delicious. The prices are also reasonable.😊👍 豚の角煮定食 メニューが週替わりなので毎週楽しみなお店です
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myan🎩 pfp
This is niboshi ramen.🍜🫰 It seems that the Phaver app is going to shut down its services. I plan to stick around until the very end. I only speak Japanese, but I really enjoyed interacting with people from other countries. Let’s enjoy it together for a little while longer!😊 煮干しラーメン美味かった 麺の細さが自分好み
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myan🎩 pfp
Today’s lunch is a grilled meat set meal. I also ordered a highball.😋🥩🥃 チェーン店の焼肉定食 安いけど成形肉で相応の内容でした😁
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myan🎩 pfp
Last night, KudasaiJP held an online year-end party. During the party, a raffle was held, and luxurious prizes like 0.1 BTC and 100 HYPE were distributed. Although I didn’t win anything during the main raffle, I unexpectedly won $500 in a sudden draw held after the party ended! Thank you very much! 昨夜のください忘年会では何も当たりませんでしたが、終了後の突発あみだくじで500ドル当たりました! けんじぃさん本当にありがとうございます!😊🙌
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myan🎩 pfp
It’s a pizza.🍕 With its thin and crispy crust, it was perfect to enjoy while having a drink.😊🥃 バーで食べるピザうまい
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myan🎩 pfp
I managed to sell the $FUEL I got during the sale at the perfect timing for $0.1, even though it was a small amount. This month is going really well. Thank you!🔥🔥🔥 FUEL、少額ですがリスティング直後の上ヒゲビッタビタの0.1ドルで売れました ここまでぴったりで売れたの過去最高かもしれん
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myan🎩 pfp
This is ramen from Ippudo. I used a coupon to get free gyoza.🍜🥟😁 久しぶりの一風堂 クーポンでフリー餃子ゲットしました
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myan🎩 pfp
I received $PENGU yesterday!🐧🔥🔥 It’s about $800. I can enjoy some good drinks at the end of the year! Thank you very much!😊 何もしてないのにお小遣い貰えた バブルすぎる
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myan🎩 pfp
I won the Perfect Prize for the second time in a game where you guess the price of a car called IKKA!🚗🏆😊 IKKAで2度目のぴったり賞ゲット!!
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myan🎩 pfp
The free-mint Capy Friends NFTs are soaring in value! The current floor price is 0.9 ETH!🚀🚀🚀 I only have one, so I’m hesitant to sell it. Could this become the next Penguin?🐧 フリミンから0.9はヤバい
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myan🎩 pfp
Since it’s the weekend, I had some alcohol. I enjoyed a gin and tonic with smoked cheese.🍸🧀 久しぶりの食べ物投稿 ジントニックとスモークチーズです
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myan🎩 pfp
I was able to guess the exact price of a car in a game called IKKA, where you guess car prices. It seems like I can earn rewards, so I plan to keep trying my best!🔥 IKKAでぴったり賞ゲット!!😁
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myan🎩 pfp
A few months ago, I minted an NFT from SpaceNation, and thanks to that, I received an airdrop of $MONKY yesterday. It’s worth about $5,000. I’m really happy with this unexpected income!🔥🔥🔥 スペスネのApeでエアドロ貰えました!!冬のボーナスありがたい🙏
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myan🎩 pfp
I don’t usually trade much, but I was able to purchase BTC at 94k. I think it was pretty good timing.📈🚀🔥 94kで買ったBTCはバビcap3に入れました🙏
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