0xLuo pfp



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0xLuo pfp
Previously, there were announcements about L3s being built based on /syndicate, such as /degen, /lp, and /goldchain. Now, there will be an /onchaincoin L3 ⛓ ⛓ ⛓. perhaps we should refer to Farcaster as the base camp and incubator for L3s.
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0xLuo pfp
I'm thrilled @jam has launched! Excited to see how Jam will boost the creator economy with their innovative approach. Interested? Join with my invitation link: https://jam.so?referrer=f8HAXn I've also created a Zora NFT to celebrate. https://zora.co/collect/base:0x8c7c573697fd2ae8ebd16c8713bdb1dcc9f4b525/5/frames
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0xLuo pfp
thrilled that firefly.land now smoothly supports browsing Paragraph and Mirror articles, becoming a more sophisticated onchain social everything app. It's quickly turning into my go-to app for checking updates on different platforms daily. https://x.com/suji_yan/status/1780874641336304026?s=46&t=gXy_Abx9ejoZtPjPmCXrrw
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0xLuo pfp
The platform fantasy.top reminds me of uncuts.app, where social reputation is turned into tradable cards. However, fantasy.top is based on activities on Twitter and also empowers the ETH, SOL, and BTC ecosystems. If you're interested, you can claim points through the following link: claim.fantasy.top/?invite=0xLuo
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0xLuo pfp
EarlyFans.xyz has now made Twitter posts tradable, somewhat akin to a Twitter version of /jamfrens and /tiser. The economic model where every post has value for creators is gaining popularity. However, it features unique designs such as each post can only be purchased within a 24-hour window.
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0xLuo pfp
WTF, the minting for @phaverapp Up: Genesis Edition was insane. it kept showing errors and then ended in just 10 seconds! 😱
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0xLuo pfp
🙋 I want to be a creator 😂
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0xLuo pfp
$DEGEN is so back! 😂
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0xLuo pfp
Hello world via Check-In Caster @checkin https://app.checkincaster.xyz/m/cNK3QeO_1Gtz-O
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0xLuo pfp
Making Casts tradable feels somewhat similar to Jam.so. However, it effectively utilizes Farcaster's new Actions feature, allowing users to simply trigger an Action on a cast and use @tiser's reply frame to invest. https://warpcast.com/jam/0xeada2ee6
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0xLuo pfp
https://zora.co/collect/base:0x8c7c573697fd2ae8ebd16c8713bdb1dcc9f4b525/4 Inspired by dos.eth, I also designed a 360 Uncut card for myself. 😂 Of course, the real Uncut card is still available on the Uncuts website https://www.uncuts.app/cards/releases/48
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0xLuo pfp
I just tried using /nodefy to set rules for pushing specific casts on Farcaster to its Telegram bot. This is particularly useful for me if I want to closely follow specific people casting with certain keywords on a particular channel. It would be even better if this Telegram bot could join my Telegram channel.
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0xLuo pfp
Farcaster에서 한국어 casts가 중국어의 10배라니 놀랍습니다. /south-korea도 가장 인기 있는 channel로 자리 잡았네요. 한국의 암호화폐 분위기가 좋다는 이야기는 들었지만, 이제 직접 보게 되었습니다. 안녕하세요, 한국 친구들!
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0xLuo pfp
摊牌了,不装了 https://x.com/friendtech/status/1779955499695562791?s=46&t=gXy_Abx9ejoZtPjPmCXrrw
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0xLuo pfp
I appreciate the enthusiasm for /crypto-the-game, as it's great for those who enjoy strategy and community engagement. As a East Asia player, the time difference causes me to miss key moments. I hope to see more games like this that cater to various time zones in the future. https://warpcast.com/0xluo.eth/0x0b58c9a6
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0xLuo pfp
TipCannon.com seems like a kind of degen lottery. It reminds me of the DEGEN Behavioral Economics Social Experiment previously discussed by @degeneconomist. It's great to see more interesting mechanics evolving in the daily $degen tip scene, making it more dynamic. https://i.ibb.co/3FMPGYK/2024-04-15-23-24-57.png
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0xLuo pfp
Oh no, my /crypto-the-game has ended. It seems like I finally get it. essentially, it's all about how to win approval from the community, a voting game really. The different mini-games each night are just opportunities to showcase yourself. https://i.ibb.co/rZ5D7P4/20240415093342.jpg
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0xLuo pfp
I feel like I still see traces of Friend Tech in this "fantasy-like trading card game." Go get my (@0xluo.eth) card, trade it, and earn DEGEN or GTFO ❤️ Join /onrekt and @onrekt to learn more, or, again, GTFO ❤️
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0xLuo pfp
I liked how Airchat made chat rooms like Clubhouse multilingual and asynchronous, helping people from different time zones and languages connect. The new version is more like an audio Twitter, but Airchat focuses more on voice. Voice feels more alive than text, and I'm eager to see what new features Airchat introduces.
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0xLuo pfp
Stay patient, accumulate slowly, and be a long-term thinker.
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