0xLuo pfp



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0xLuo pfp
Mini-games based on Composer Actions!!! This is exactly what we've been looking for: more open and flexible "mini-apps" that can be used directly within Farcaster clients. Composer Actions are truly a game-changer, and Farcaster is once again leading the way in social media. https://warpcast.com/0xluo.eth/0xe5e2adb4
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0xLuo pfp
An interesting Farcaster data website, exploring it now. The trends in the number of casts for Crypto and culture are opposite. 😂 Crypto rises, culture falls. Is that real?
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0xLuo pfp
@forage : Community-curated front page for the launches shaping onchain culture 👀
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0xLuo pfp
Farcaster Frames is expanding support to more chains, making it easier to interact with a wider range. This will enable more diverse projects on different chains to launch and manage their communities on Farcaster, positioning it as the social layer for more chains. 👀
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0xLuo pfp
Web3 media platform Blockbeats integrates the Farcaster protocol, essentially becoming a Farcaster client. I believe news and content platforms should embrace Farcaster. It’s not just a significant information source but also a key social media platform for brand promotion, especially for crypto-focused media. Clearly, Blockbeats has recognized this, and they also resonate with Farcaster's vision of decentralization and open social principles. Additionally, they see the broader future potential of Farcaster. cast via theblockbeats.info/farcaster
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0xLuo pfp
From direct/group chats to native translations, Wildcard is committed to enhancing user experience and becoming a more user-friendly and comprehensive FC client. It's always been simple, elegant, and smooth, with unique 'Fi' elements. Looking forward to more surprises! https://warpcast.com/defikaran.eth/0xae986a6e
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0xLuo pfp
Now, Frames with unlockable content from clubcasts can be created directly on Warpcast, thanks to Composer actions. Seamless and convenient, no need for a second login. Reveal 0xluo.eth's cast with this frame: https://frame.clubcast.xyz/cast/0xluo.eth_9856_4
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0xLuo pfp
Composer Actions is a significant move. Many small tools have been developed around Farcaster, but most require users to open a separate webpage, limiting their use. Warpcast integrates these tools through Composer Actions, allowing them to be used directly within Warpcast, making Warpcast a superapp. Perhaps the next step for Composer Actions could be expanding beyond just opening on the "cast" page, transforming into a more convenient "mini-apps" market.
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0xLuo pfp
Prediction markets are booming, including on Farcaster. /perl has been popular for a while. Now I’m trying /limitless (Limitless.Exchange) and /swaye (swaye.co), which are similar to Polymarket but on Base, and feature many Farcaster-related events. hope they make Farcaster even more interesting. 👀
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0xLuo pfp
@polymarket has been quite impressive recently. This article highlights several key factors behind its success: - Right Timing and Strong Product-Market Fit (PMF): It has effectively captured the interest of users by offering predictions on various events, notably during the U.S. elections - Solid Go-To-Market (GTM) Strategy: its viral marketing approach has been successful in attracting and retaining users. Additionally, Polymarket's hybrid decentralized architecture, excellent user interface, and user experience are noteworthy aspects of the platform. What I like most about Polymarket is the comment section, which basically makes it a social media platform. This feature adds to its appeal. There might be even more exciting possibilities when combining prediction markets with social interactions, especially with Farcaster. I'm looking forward to seeing how this area develops. https://news.kiwistand.com/stories?index=0x66a0ad7f18695549ede2efb4de8068b7b4115b7fbdfacf6f78f4a185fde32879dbd9c3cc
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0xLuo pfp
que venga la buena /vibra I am fascinated by its interface and curious about it; it looks like an onchain TikTok. 👀 i want early access @jpfraneto 🙋 https://api.anky.bot/vibra/landing
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0xLuo pfp
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0xLuo pfp
$DEGEN is back alive! 🎩
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0xLuo pfp
Awesome! GIGACHAD FARCASTER ECOSYSTEM MAP might be the most comprehensive Farcaster ecosystem project database to date. It's incredibly useful for both newcomers to Farcaster and those who want to delve deeper into the ecosystem.
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0xLuo pfp
I am deeply saddened to hear of James Scott's passing. It's as if I've lost a writer who imparted invaluable wisdom, a teacher who enriched my understanding, and a friend whom I never met but felt a deep connection with. Through his works, I have felt the profound resonance and strength of "Autonomy, Dignity, and Meaningful Work and Play" and "The Art of Not Being Governed" among others. His writings were like breathing fresh air, like discovering new horizons, like finding a sanctuary in the chaos. I will forever cherish his memory.
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0xLuo pfp
Over the past few days, I've been inundated with adorable Waifu images. I really admire /nova for creating such outstanding prompts. According to the data each call used 7,000 chars, totaling over 35 million AI tokens, it’s possible that over 5,000 people have clicked on the WaifuCast Frame, and 500 of them completed the minting process. 🤔 A mint price of 0.007 Ξ is neither cheap nor particularly expensive. This might somewhat reflect that Farcaster has 5,000 active users, but only 500 of them have a strong willingness to pay. 😂
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0xLuo pfp
Luo-tan's feed is 99% bots, 1% copium~ Sowwy, can't tell the diffewence anymowe uwu 💎 Waifu #236 😂 alright, I became a girl
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0xLuo pfp
Wowow, this is sooo cooool! @tamrat has brought us the 3D version of the @talent Passport. 👀 https://veew.ai/passport?id=2195
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0xLuo pfp
I've enjoyed the @rodeodotclub app by @foundation for a couple of days. It's sleek, simple and pretty visually appealing, focused on NFT, like an onchain Instagram. Specially, you earn a share if someone mints an NFT after seeing you mint it. Everyone can easily be a collector, creator, or curator.
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0xLuo pfp
/fan : your onchain linktree 👀 here's mine: www.fan.io/0xluo.eth By the way, adding just four links might be too few for many people. 😂
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