Content pfp
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balajis pfp
The decentralized version is more valuable. Bitcoin is worth $1T and PayPal is worth $64B. Ethereum is worth $400B and Stripe is worth $65B. So, if Farcaster really takes off as a protocol, and it’s getting there, it could be even more valuable than existing social media companies.
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0xlapi 🎩 pfp
0xlapi 🎩
Is it getting there? Feels like a playground for crypto natives. How is it going to attract actual normies? How is it going to compete?
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Crossmint  pfp
It takes time to get there. It took Facebook 2 years to be in .edu close beta before opening to public. Of course, adding more features and functionalities (which the protocol enables) will be key.
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Jake Stevens 🎩 pfp
Jake Stevens 🎩
Farcaster gets there by having more and more clients. Warpcast feels like a playground for cryptonatives, but Warpcast isn't the protocol.
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↑antaur (🔵/acc) pfp
↑antaur (🔵/acc)
me normie here and happy as larry
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