Jacob pfp
The challenge of a social network is solving for both 'I know what I want to see' and 'I know who I want to see.' It's magic if you can get both right.
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Joyce pfp
This list is missing a third: what are other people seeing?
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Jacob pfp
I like it - any good examples of this?
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Joyce pfp
No products that I can think of. But that is exactly why I think about this problem all the time. IMHO it is the cause of our societal woes
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Jacob pfp
I think about it too but it's a tough nut to crack. Not unsolvable!
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Joyce pfp
I think there is a way to crack it technically. I think getting people to care and to actively seek out the info is a different thing. But there def is a product that can crack it.
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Jacob pfp
Perhaps it's simply a revocable access control enabling you to see someone else's feed, provided it's been permissioned accordingly 👀
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Joyce pfp
My thinking is you abstract out the “someone”. Give someone a generic tag based on their attributes and you can see what someone with a tag sees
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Jacob pfp
Interesting! I'll need to think about that.
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