Joyce pfp
If you love your home office mic and camera desk set up, can you please share what you use? I am in the market.
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Chicago 🎩 β†’ q/DAU pfp
Chicago 🎩 β†’ q/DAU
The new camera on the MacBook Air m2 is fire. I did research on an external though; DSLR is the best however Logitech StreamCam is great for mac/pc with USB hook up. Looked at Razr cause of sales, autofocus sucks. No mic recs.
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kartik 🎩 pfp
kartik 🎩
I actually think continuity camera is the best setup. It’s super portable and the back camera on your iPhone is 10x better than any webcam at any price. I was worried about reliability but it’s honestly more reliable than my Opal camera. Both at home and at a coffee shop.
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Alex Loukissas πŸ‰ pfp
Alex Loukissas πŸ‰
The wired iphone headphones have the best microphone for the money by far
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