0xfc002 pfp



95 Following

0xfc002 pfp
Ok so that was a fail. Time to get back at it.
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0xfc002 pfp
Mint my likes on Farcoin!
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0xfc002 pfp
Did you know @vitalik.eth owns 15m $DEGEN? It's true, check the chain... https://basescan.org/address/0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045 Fun story now that season 1 airdrop is over...
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0xfc002 pfp
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0xfc002 pfp
The most exciting and scary parts of being a founder are the moments where you don't know 100% where something going. Rejoice in not controlling everything and allow yourself to be taken for a ride sometimes.
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0xfc002 pfp
The first set of $FRC Rewards are live. They account for a whopping 40% of the supply (4B $FRC) The basic idea is this: If a user mints your fides *first*, you earn $FRC for onboarding them. The goal is to get Farcaster (and Farcoin) to 1B users
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0xfc002 pfp
Why are there are verifications and verified_addresses in user lookups? Is verifications legacy?
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0xfc002 pfp
Every product person knows that simpler products often do better. That's why memecoins are winning as a category right now. Create simpler products.
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0xfc002 pfp
Designing $FRC to get Farcaster to 1B users
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0xfc002 pfp
I am increasingly convinced that the next frames-like dev frenzy will start from outside the core Farcaster team.
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0xfc002 pfp
I am consciously avoiding getting stuck in thought loops. My goal is to feel like I'm making incremental progress each day.
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0xfc002 pfp
A frame is live. Test it out by casting this url (without backticks): `https://frames-tawny-iota.vercel.app/api?c=b` Your audience will be prompted to mint your fides. Please tag me if you share the frame, I would love to test it (and mint some!)
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0xfc002 pfp
This week I built a frame that lets your audience mint the likes you've given them as units of a currency tied to your FID https://frames-tawny-iota.vercel.app/api?cache=busted111
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0xfc002 pfp
I would like to propose McDonald's as the new elite coworking franchise in los Estados Unidos. - Free wifi - Cheap food - Clean bathrooms - Abundant seating - Plenty of locations Let's do it fam
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0xfc002 pfp
Big shoutout to @df, @awkweb and anyone else making frames more easy to develop on. (If anyone is working on something related, please comment!) I'm glad the initial hype has eased but just wow, we're so early...
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0xfc002 pfp
With fides, liking a cast = tipping
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0xfc002 pfp
Site has been updated with search + profiles.
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0xfc002 pfp
Devs see launches as the moment where ideas are validated. But software can change daily, if not hourly. Seek to continuously validate your ideas.
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0xfc002 pfp
Farcoin has been submitted to Farhack (at Farcon!) https://beta.events.xyz/h/477226fc/teams/a8e63e4e
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0xfc002 pfp
Excited to attend Farcon as an anon 🕶️
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