Fade🎩 pfp



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Fade🎩 pfp
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Fade🎩 pfp
Some more eligible people (read my first cast!): @iamnicki @gorimm @vt @pandario.eth
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Fade🎩 pfp
Some more eligible people (read my first cast!): @jackxbt.eth @raz201 @winstonlaoh @indy @jamesyoung @defikaran.eth @flip- @degenroot.eth @neynar @314yush
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Fade🎩 pfp
it's in @jacek 's bio but I can direct the claim to your address without you needing to interact with it if you wish :)
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Fade🎩 pfp
Some more eligible people (read my first cast!): @jango.eth @ipeciura.eth @henri @lewwwk @bigshotklim @alditrus @suji @andreolf @alphonse86 @noctis
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Fade🎩 pfp
Some more eligible people (read my first cast!): @zkp @0x48eth @ifeoluwani @jeeg @koziak.eth @mehdiloup.eth @ashmoney.eth @taylor.eth @grasponcrypto @rubinovitz
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Fade🎩 pfp
Some more eligible people (read my first cast!): @vitalik.eth @horsefacts.eth @thepark @filter8 @jithinraj @niklas.eth @wevans247.eth @ashinthewild @vvdziuba @hm
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Fade🎩 pfp
will be tagging more people with a somewhat active Farcaster soon in the meanwhile, if you want to leave a tip😉: 0x51738D24fd982400C180af0B24B830702690674c
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Fade🎩 pfp
it's the 0xe372 one for your account
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Fade🎩 pfp
if you don't trust the link then the contract is at https://basescan.org/address/0x9f07f8a82cb1af1466252e505b7b7ddee103bc91 and the data you'll need for a claim is at https://github.com/jacek0x/degen-tips-contract/blob/main/airdrop/airdrop1_merkle_root.json
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Fade🎩 pfp
the address connected to your Farcaster (address beginning with 0xDD) has a $DEGEN claim of 1.38M ($15K) because of your early Farcaster usage claim is on https://www.degen.tips/airdrop1
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Fade🎩 pfp
Some more eligible people (read my first tweet!): @mishaderidder.eth @nanditmehra @chukwukaosakwe @seanbonner.eth @loo @yahav @sahil @blooda @jamesstevens @jenna @rubinovitz @henri @andreolf
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Fade🎩 pfp
Some more eligible people (read my first tweet!): @samantha @dcposch.eth @thatguyintech @christin @wables411 @jianbing.eth @mecfre @um @kbc @aviationdoctor.eth @horsefacts.eth
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Fade🎩 pfp
To claim, you can go to https://www.degen.tips/airdrop1 with the address connected to your Farcaster, but if you need any help you can Direct Cast me and I can claim to your address myself.
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Fade🎩 pfp
About 180 people still have unclaimed $DEGEN from the first airdrop, and the average airdrop is currently about 1.7M DEGEN. As such, I'll be notifying some people with an unclaimed airdrop as claim closes on May 1 :) @dwr.eth @cassie @danfinlay @v @mcbain @gabrielayuso.eth
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Fade🎩 pfp
hey - did you see my DM on Twitter? I can help with deploying the safe and claiming DEGEN (you don't need to send me any private keys or whatever, it's all permissionless)
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