0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
Someday soon, maybe when Nouns Builder is on Zorachain or Base I'd like to make Purple People Eater DAO a reality. Lil Nouns style with short auction duration/cheap price. Fun, spend everything, a little frivolous, unserious, BUT are founders on the hook for any kind of tax liability?
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huugo pfp
Wondering the same πŸ€”
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humpty pfp
Wrap it
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Nounish Prof βŒβ—§-β—§πŸŽ© pfp
Nounish Prof βŒβ—§-β—§πŸŽ©
It depends on the underlying entity. β€œLegal Wrapper” refers to something like an LLC DAO in Wyoming or Delaware or an UNA like BuilderDAO. Or it can be a foundation like Nouns. So whether or not founders have liability depends on all that. And country of residence.
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Nounish Prof βŒβ—§-β—§πŸŽ© pfp
Nounish Prof βŒβ—§-β—§πŸŽ©
And this question just emphasizes what I’ve been thinking: we need some DAO workshops/bootcamp to tackle this and other issues around starting a nounish DAO. Working on it!
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gm8xx8 pfp
dated but a good place to start πŸ‘‡ https://daos.paradigm.xyz
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ChrisCoCreated β†‘πŸŽ© pfp
ChrisCoCreated β†‘πŸŽ©
@nounishprof might have some insights
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