ted (not lasso) pfp
ted (not lasso)
asking for a friend (me), does the phrase “network state” excite anyone beyond technocrats and crypto bros?
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0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
it doesn't really excite me because when I try to visualize what it actually physically looks like it I have a hard imagining anything other than walled compounds or private-micro cities at odds with local populations, hostile even. fundamentally set apart. too close to a cult for my tastes.
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Matthew pfp
here’s how i think of it… imagine a soho house kind of social club for each of your favorite communities in every major city in the world, that hosts fun activities and has food and space to work and things to do with friends like a community-themed rec center
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3070 ↑↗ ✈︎ 🎩-' pfp
3070 ↑↗ ✈︎ 🎩-'
but the whole point is it’s not a physical state. it’s a network state
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