0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
trekked into The City to have an infected tooth yoinked. while they operated the conversation between dentist and asst. was the tom brady roast with drake v kendrick sprinkled in. i had so much to offer, so many spicy hot takes sure to delight and surprise but all i could do was lie there dumbly, mouth agape, drooling
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Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊 pfp
Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊
this is such a fire potential copypasta if the Facaster meta had evolved to that point. Unless this is an older pasta I've missed
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‎  pfp
Toothpaste on the teeth, Joe.
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Yanga 🔵 🎩 pfp
Yanga 🔵 🎩
I totally understand. You feel you will spoil the fun they're having and end up being the centre of attaction
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ccarella pfp
my long-time NYC dentists used to love to talk to me as he shoved things into my mouth.
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