Content pfp
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0xdesigner pfp
i have 100,000 degen to tip and feeling uninspired today. reply with your best design everydays idea and if it’s good i’ll tip 10,000 degen.
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Jon pfp
Music app with share song button that airdrops it as an NFT to a friend's wallet. Idk how you do this every single day lol
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depatchedmode 🎩 pfp
depatchedmode 🎩
Gas forecasts like weather forecasts.
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links pfp
Your wallet rounds up your gas fee and either saves/auto-invests it or donates it to a cause you care about.
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🃏agusti 🔷🐘 pfp
🃏agusti 🔷🐘
undo send transaction with a 30 secs buffer (for non urgent, normal speed tx's) so if you fuck up you can undo from wallet
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Jacob pfp
have you done anything with ai agents? that's a cool design space like, an ai agent on warpcast to recommend content or mints or hypersubs? maybe i'd take the idea and run with it :-)
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dylan pfp
Farcaster channels built into the browser to match different parts of the web — eg if you’re on a site that mentions degen, show the /degen channel on the right as social commentary on top of what you’re browsing
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Salinek 🔵🎩🧾 pfp
Salinek 🔵🎩🧾
A hot wallet that could be secured with 2FA SMS or email would be a great solution even if someone gets the seed phrase
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gill ⚪️ pfp
gill ⚪️
A Superchain product where you can seamlessly see all your collected Ethereum NFTs in the same page mainnet + Layer 2s, with a custom gallery feature like curating specific pieces from to a front page or custom page, also enabling tags like “gen art” and “photo” + filtering capability.
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darph 🖼️🎩 pfp
darph 🖼️🎩
Proximity $DEGEN tipping: open warpcast, scan your surroundings and find interesting people to tip too. Super cool for conferences.
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humpty🧠⚡️ pfp
i literally had an idea for you earlier today: sign a tx on the web using an auth code similar to how you verify your identity using Google Auth today inspired by me not being able to sign on a laptop that doesn't have any wallets or keys
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🃏agusti 🔷🐘 pfp
🃏agusti 🔷🐘
make scheduled transactions easy to set up. use cases: - simple DCA: setup a buy or swap daily/weekly/monthly of your fav token - minor digital crypto allowance: airdrop your kids a specified quantity of token monthly so they can use for subs or whatever (lke a minors credit card u can top up)
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Rani pfp
higher. instead of tipping $degen u just comment higher. everyday the cast with the most highers gets an allocated amount from higher community pool. can host a daily leaderboard in a frame.
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totty 🔥🧶 pfp
totty 🔥🧶
airdrop the car in front of you 50 cents to let you pass
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basil 🎩↑ pfp
basil 🎩↑
a pop-up every time you log off twitter askin, "why did you leave?"
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BORED 🥱 pfp
A cards against humanity style game where two people face off to write the best/funniest tweet. People vote on who wins and gets the prize. In $degen of course.
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Steen pfp
A better Zora front end
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
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Matthijs Keuper pfp
Matthijs Keuper
I have an idea about a device that you can use to kinda grill your bread, one or maybe two slices at a time. With a timer so you don't burn it. Can be small, so you just put it on the countertop or table.
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Jim pfp
The last yard of floss should be a different color to let you know you are down to the last yard and should buy a new box. This way you aren't surprised when it runs out. #DesignEverydays
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