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Vincent Chee (fun arc) pfp
Vincent Chee (fun arc)
gm! Want to deeply understand AlfaFrens mechanics in less than the time (6-8 mins) it takes to take a 💩? We also introduce Le Blue Elefant Strategy™️ Check it out: tl;dr in 🧵 format below
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Vincent Chee (fun arc) pfp
Vincent Chee (fun arc)
AlfaFrens First Principles 2 tokens - $DEGEN: input for subs/output as cashback - $ALFA: output for subbing to channels 5 actions - sub: get channel access + accrue $ALFA - unsub: opposite of sub - stake: get portion of cashback - unstake: opposite of stake - claim: receive accrued $ALFA
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Vincent Chee (fun arc) pfp
Vincent Chee (fun arc)
Global Level $ALFA Distribution "Global $ALFA rewards are a 1-to-1 relationship with the sum of all Channel inflow rates." This is fairly straightforward and so is the equation: Global $ALFA rewards = Sum of all Channel inflow rates e.g. if the sum of all sub flows is 420,690, then daily $ALFA emissions = 420,690
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Vincent Chee (fun arc) pfp
Vincent Chee (fun arc)
Channel Level $ALFA Distribution "Channel $ALFA rewards are a function of three things: 1. Global $ALFA rewards 2. the Channels share of staked $ALFA vs. all Channels and 3. the Channels share of subscription flows vs. all Channels." A slightly less straightforward equation...
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Vincent Chee (fun arc) pfp
Vincent Chee (fun arc)
Channel $ALFA rewards = (GR * 0.31 * CFRP) + (GR * 0.69 * CSP) WTF dis? Let’s break this down…
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Vincent Chee (fun arc) pfp
Vincent Chee (fun arc)
Well GR = Global $ALFA rewards as deciphered above Channel Flow Rate Proportion (CFRP) = Channel inflow rate / Sum of all Channel inflow rates This is the sum of all users subs to the channel divided by the global flow rate What about "CSP"?
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Vincent Chee (fun arc) pfp
Vincent Chee (fun arc)
Channel Stake Proportion (CSP) = Channel staked amount / Sum of all Channel stake amounts This is the sum of all users stake to the channel divided by the global staked amount
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Vincent Chee (fun arc) pfp
Vincent Chee (fun arc)
Hopefully, that cleared some things up. If not, ask, I won’t bite, I promise ;) You should be feeling like this guy now if you've gotten this far. Let’s look at and break down the main equation again: Channel $ALFA rewards = (GR * 0.31 * CFRP) + (GR * 0.69 * CSP)
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Vincent Chee (fun arc) pfp
Vincent Chee (fun arc)
Now that we know what GR, CFRP and CSP are, we can see that 31% of $ALFA allocated is determined by channel sub flow rate and 69% is determined by channel staked amount, act accordingly. But how is cashback distributed? - 70% cashback to channel stakers - 25% to the channel creator - 5% protocol fee
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Vincent Chee (fun arc) pfp
Vincent Chee (fun arc)
User Level $ALFA Distribution "User $ALFA rewards are a function of the Channel $ALFA rewards divided by the number of subscribers." Simple AF, here’s the equation: User $ALFA rewards = Channel $ALFA rewards / Number of subscribers That’s it. But what about user cashback allocation?
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Vincent Chee (fun arc) pfp
Vincent Chee (fun arc)
User Level Cashback "The amount of cashback a User receives is determined by their share of the staked amount vs. the total staked amount in the Channel." Here’s the equation: User cashback allocation = Channel cashback * (User staked amount / Channel staked amount) Also simple!
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Vincent Chee (fun arc) pfp
Vincent Chee (fun arc)
Implications, Flywheels and Le Blue Elefant Strategy Well, you’ll have to click through if you’re curious: ;)
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Vincent Chee (fun arc) pfp
Vincent Chee (fun arc)
If you made it here, you are probably in the top 4.20% in terms of attention span, so literally pat yourself on the back and give me some love by: - liking this - recasting - and hitting that follow button. It’ll make my day!
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thepencil.eth ⌐◨-◨ 🎩 pfp
thepencil.eth ⌐◨-◨ 🎩
Done fren, good write up here—thanks
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Vincent Chee (fun arc) pfp
Vincent Chee (fun arc)
Thank you 🫡 glad you enjoyed it
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