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The officials, performing the calculations, realized that the number of grains to be delivered increased enormously. After a few days, they went to the king saying that to satisfy the guest's request, the whole world's rice would not be enough.
The number of grains of rice that would have to land on the last square of the chessboard would be equal to 2 to the power of 63, equal to about ten million trillion grains of rice.
In the real world, exponential growth cannot be sustained, due to mathematical, physical, technological or computer limits (depending on the context):
✦Infinite growth of an asset: there is no infinite money (printing dollars decreases its value: supply dilutes growth).
✦Ponzi scheme: it makes high profits as long as new investors enter, but collapses when growth slows.
✦Moore's Law: the density of transistors in chips has doubled every two years, but we are close to the physical limits of miniaturization (quantum effects and thermal dissipation). 0 reply
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