Andi pfp



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Andi pfp
Ahh, the often forgotten Switzerlandoru, a small archipelago on the far west of Hokkaido, (12k+ kilometers), by locals sometimes referred to as Europe
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Andi pfp
Never did a logo more clearly convey the business’ value proposition - Tenjinbashi - Osaka
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Andi pfp
Well you could clean a forest simulation easily with a rain simulation.
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Andi pfp
It must be terrible to be bothered all the time by whiny bitches asking for boundaries on destruction while your just peacefully billionairing around, minding your own business and consuming resources of 231 families
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Andi pfp
Just noticed, the Warpcast iOS app is extremely heavy on data consumption, one refresh of the homefeed is 5-10mb for me, while showing around 3 new casts. One reload on Twitter delivering 2 new posts plus a softporn ad for 2-3mb. Any reason?
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Andi pfp
Are there any crypto ATMs (selling) in Tokyo? Last year when i was there o didn’t find any. Any tips?
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Andi pfp
As it’s a common question: trepanning means to ask what a word means on social media rather than putting the one word into your browser’s address bar.
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Andi pfp
Oh man, Chat Pitt will be devastated
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Andi pfp
Raights, maybe?
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Andi pfp
China is the heart, lung, extremities and tophat of Europe's manufacturing. VW is owned 20% by the state, 17% by Qatar. VW was bailed out with taxpayer's money out of its own horrendous and toxic mismanagement, broke dozens of laws and is infamous in the manufacturing industry for being one of the most aweful OEMs to work with as it's bullying the shit out suppliers pushing them to the edge of extinction. VW bullies (the irony is thats the name of an iconic model of theirs) and lobbies their way through German politics, blocking public transport infra invests, traffic safety regulations and renewable agendas for their own neverending greed for more profit to shareholders, not for job security. VW is welcome to fuck off. Which they won't. They literally only still exist due to the state they are now blaming for not enough profits.
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Andi pfp
My PoV (as a german voter) is that the venn diagram of AFD and MAGA is close to a circle with a less pronounced person cult, because the grand wizzard of AFD is not part of the economic elite and was kept in check properly by the rule of law. The far rights in Germany - both AFD and the right wing of CDU - openly sympathize with MAGA and politicians of both parties even show up at MAGA rallies. BSW is not antithetical to AFD, but rather a less frowned upon alternative for the same voter group of rural dispossessed with an unimaginative e/acc spin on it. They are both Euro-critical, ultra-national, openly pro-russia and pro-fossile / anti-environmental protection. MAGA is not really anti-corporate, right?
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Andi pfp
The background is that BSW is a spinoff of the Left due to exactly those differences you hinting at. This goes as far as that sitting elected representatives changed from one party to the other, giving BSW an instant - yet unelected - representation in the Bundestag. In reality, however BSW is competing with AFD for mostly the same voters and around a similar fear and victim-hood driven platform of us against them.
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Andi pfp
The tweet was deleted and the article is behind a paywall. What’s it about? VW trying to bully the German government into something?
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Andi pfp
Not sure this is witty enough to have warrented it being printed on anything
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Andi pfp
Austin, the home of evacuation/accelerationism. Considering the swarm of tech bro locusts raining down on you, I would do either or both of these two things: 1. Draft applications as a refugee due to imminent ecosystem collapse 2. Stock up on Nietzsche merch to fund your retreat via pop up sales for intelligentsia circle jerk supply
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Andi pfp
It's always heartbreaking when beloved political satire picks up a fight with an entity I'm a fan of. Irrespective of the Watson v Japan situation, I was always baffled by distinct exlcusion of whales from the otherwise significant - even religiously enshrined - respect for nature and life in Japan.
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Andi pfp
Is there any sources and analysis to look at, would be very interested
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Andi pfp
In general, I believe it describes a spectrum on a per policy basis, so I guess it depends on the topic. I know little about the bitcoin community, but it seems more challenging to the status quo monetary system, while ethereum at large wastes away its massive opportunity to revolutionize governance and rather focuses on carbon copying the existing financial system and hinging itself on a broken monetary system by building a usd(c) based extraction and capital concentration system that uses jpgs and convoluted derivatives, rather than stocks and subprime mortgages
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Andi pfp
I’m native Bavarian and I agree this seems like a massive conspiracy, extending to made up etymology of the word zoigl, which means “stuff”, not “sign”. Also beer can only have 3 ingredients as per ancient sacred Bavarian law: water, barley, hops. Oberpfalz deep state at its finest.
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Andi pfp
Well but to be fair you compare apples and an apple.jpg here. Your not getting Euros (legal tender) from Uniswap, but a token that represents the right to a Euro, for which to get the legal tender you still need to add another fee when going from EURC to Euro. With PayPal I can pay my Spotify account, with EURC on an EOA I can’t
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