Paul pfp



4 Following

Paul pfp
@0x6869 I was looking into making Zork in a frame, but it turns out Zork is insane and not yet ported to python. So here's a much more achievable game of Madlibs! Idea for the pivot & help designing/planning from @kenergy.eth
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Paul pfp
Just got done playing Dave The Diver, super fun game with tons of goofy minigames throughout. It's also one of the only games in a long while that's got me to burst out laughing at it's cutscenes (Whenever Bancho cooks something for a quest and sprays food bits all over daves face as he just :D). 10/10 would suggest
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Paul pfp
Hi I'm new here, if I haven't made my 3 posts and someone tipped me does that just go to the void? Or is it held for my username until I'm valid?
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