0scar pfp



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0scar pfp
Hey Tyler, 0scar from exponential.fi we connected at ETH Denver. Are you working on that piece about verified vs advertised yield?
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0scar pfp
So $UNI is turning on the fee switch. Quick math - according to Token Terminal, LPs have earned $300m in fees in the last 180 days - fee switch can be 10-25% - i.e. UNI stakers rev share pool could be $61-153m / year Assuming 50% of UNI is staked (~$5b) UNI staking APR = 1-3% πŸ₯΅
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0scar pfp
Curious to know what you think of exponential.fi for this purpose. We've been adding risk grades to 300+ pools since not all yields are generated equal
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0scar pfp
Risk has been one of our key focus at exponential.fi as we've built the only catalogue of defi pools with a unique risk rating for each of the >500 pools we've rated ($30b+ TVL) We simplify the rating into A-F grades. Currently, we do see risk premiums in median yields πŸ€”
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0scar pfp
Lending rates are great again! (Data from exponential.fi) Lending yields are mostly driven by demand for leveraged traders, who increase pool utilization rates = higher lending rates. The average USD pool is earning 7-8%! Almost 2x treasury yields
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0scar pfp
At the current prices: Buying PT means you believe the points and staking yield ROI < 6% (~39% APY) Buying YT means you believe the points airdr0ps will return > 6% Cc @ignas who is bullish points πŸ˜‰
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0scar pfp
As the Restaking wars heat up, I found this yield market on @pendle-fi quite attractive. I'm bearish on points (over-farmed and -ev when including opportunity costs), so I bought PT to lock in the 39% APY on ETH. If you're bullish points, buy YT to load up on points exposure.
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0scar pfp
Has anyone had a good experience with Trader Joe's auto pools? X is filled with anecdotes of negative returns and my experience wasn't different with a negative return and ending worse than hodling
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0scar pfp
I'm a fan of revert.finance . Aware it meets a different need than those two but I've also found that frequent rebalancing invites in high divergence loss (see TJ auto pools)
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0scar pfp
We're building exponential.fi precisely with these pain points in mind. Curious to hear your feedback
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0scar pfp
We need a new financial system and DeFi is a great new experiment for this. New primitives, unique financial instruments, etc. DAOs are trying to innovate on corporate structure and governance, exactly how so?
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0scar pfp
Governance is value capture by the minority, juxtaposed to DeFi values, and borderline abusive of the asymmetric info between the governance members and other stakeholders like token holders or LPs. Great post by @tokenbrice https://tokenbrice.xyz/farewell-glc/
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Thomas Mattimore pfp
Thomas Mattimore
The Holy Roman Empire is neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire. Discuss https://tokenbrice.xyz/farewell-glc/
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0scar pfp
Taxes are part of life, unfortunately. The nice thing is that at Exponential.fi we want to make that less painful for our users
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0scar pfp
My theory is that it will be a nothing burger. Bunch of the TVL will flee once the token drops. Then all the AVSs will pay rewards in their own tokens which will be expensive to harvest and dump
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0scar pfp
Gotta provide exit liquidity to michael
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0scar pfp
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0scar pfp
Is anyone exhausted by DeFi? Endless narratives and high yields are fun but thousands of pools and risks is just too much info. Can believe most defi folks do this full time.
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0scar pfp
My theory is that perps serve better the demand for leverage + perp protocols have bootstrapped larger liquidity. For options, low volume = delta exposure = worse prices = low fees = low liquidity...
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0scar pfp
Yes check out revert.finance it doesn't send notifications but it will rebalance your position
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