Steve pfp



1151 Following

Steve pfp
stesteste stestesteste veveve stesteve stevesteste vesteste steveve ste veveste veveve steve stevesteste stevesteste steste veste veveve veste stesteste ve ste stestesteve ste stesteste steveveste ste steve vesteve stestevevesteste
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Steve pfp
Annual dilemma
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Steve pfp
/sdv is slow coded. always_has_been.jpg 🤝 /slowcore-hq 🤝 /slow-co-lab 🤝 /slowcooking
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Steve pfp
How can I partner with "Steve"? Do not speak. That’s it.
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Steve pfp
I’ve been pondering… what happened to interactive polls? I thought frames would solve this but instead I mostly see old school ones. A. Replies get algo boosted and thus bias text vs frame polls B. There's no defacto poll frame tool C. Polls are so 2023 D. See results
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Steve pfp
A new era for /steve has come. This cast action by the brilliant @stephancill liberates Steves to speak amongst their own in public. Whether your name is Steve or Steve-like, I invite you to join the revolution. Stevespeak at scale.
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Steve pfp
ChatGPT desktop was fun until I found it hijacking the cmd+S hotkey…?? I could probably remap it somehow but the audacity? That I can not forgive.
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Steve pfp
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Steve pfp
yep yupped so yip could yap
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Steve pfp
Do top casters still get rewarded warps every week? Or did I just fall off hard? (skill issue)
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Steve pfp
The vibes are great nowadays! Way much less tipping noise. My feed is high signal again. No one central topic taking up all the room for discussion. I am absolutely here for the cozier side of the network. DAU =/= qDAU
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Steve pfp
This is easily my favorite aspect of hip-hop: sampling It's a +50 year lineage that spans across genres. Snippets of sounds that transform into entirely new songs. Bridging music across generations. A traceable family tree of audio and culture.
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Steve pfp
I miss :visited links and the idea that once you opened a webpage, that was probably all that there was to it. A much slower, smaller internet. They're still around, but most websites seem to hide the styling as if to say the past doesn't matter. The page you just visited may not be the same next visit, so come again!
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Steve pfp
/noreply lowkey has Do NOT Speak vibes
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Steve pfp
Pro tip:
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Steve pfp
Showcasing Dignified Visuals #1 Felonious Bolus (2017) Creator: PilotRedSun Medium: Video/Animation Duration: 0:47 PRS has a lot of fantastic animations but this one I revisit time and time again. The tension is so strong it sometimes feels way longer than almost a minute.
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Steve pfp
English ASCII can’t scale to 1B users. Hopefully the protocol has i18n (internationalization) on the roadmap after decentralized channels, could be a big unlock for non-English clients in the future.
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Steve pfp
stevesteste steve stesteve veveste stestesteste stesteste stevestevesteve steste veste stevestevesteve stesteste ve ste stestesteve ste
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Steve pfp
Immigrant parents that did their best but were crushed by the hardship of raising my autistic baby brother. Dad had to go back home; mom stayed but developed PTSD symptoms on top of her BPD. I learned to never ask for help, figure everything out myself, yet constantly seek external validation. Trying to unlearn now.
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Steve pfp
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